Toledo Bend Reservoir's
Full Service Guide

Bass Boat
Fishing / Sightseeing / Photography

Toledo Bend Lake Guide - Fishing - Hunting - Sightseeing - Photography - Golf

Fishing Tips


Fish Attractants - Gimmick or Necessity    February - Crankin' for Bass    Summertime Fun - Safely    Toledo Bend Striper Fishing

Toledo Bend Striper Fishing

One of the best kept secrets in Texas is the terrificStriper/Hybrid Striper fishing on Toledo Bend.

Starting in late April or early May and running through early September, these fish school up making the action fast and furious!

The best way to catch Stripers when they are schooling is by using 3/4 oz. Rat L Traps or large Zara Spooks, and you should always use a scent spray like Kick N Bass. As the day goes on, the fish will suspend; this is when you switch to trolling large crank baits or drifting live baits. I recommend a hook like Fenwicks Octopus in a 2/0 or 4/0 depending on bait size.

Our average Hybrid at Toledo Bend runs 7 to 8 lbs. with 16 to 20 lbs. being common. To locate these fish, start out at the dam and work your way back up the Lake following the old river bed. Late afternoon, about an hour before dark, schooling should start back up.

So, come on out to Toledo Bend and experience some line stripping action!


Darrell W. Lyons
120 Creekside Drive
Hemphill, Tx 75948
Telephone: (936) 201-7534

Copyright © 2000 by Darrell Lyons, Hemphill, TX 75948