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Welcome To...
The World Famous Chicken Coop
on Toledo Bend Lake

Truly the Pot O' Gold
  at the End of the Rainbow
    for a Fisherman!

Located at the South end of the Chicken Coop
Cabin on the Coop puts you where the action is
on Toledo Bend Lake!

Great fishing, even from the bank, off the pier.

  • Pets welcome (with some restrictions)
  • Screened in deck with furniture
  • Charcoal grill
  • Fire pit
  • Picnic table
  • Swimming area (at your own risk)
  • Private fishing pier with fish feeder
  • Ask about Guide Services, too!

Cabin On The Coop   (409) 625-3300  /  (713) 851-2974    dructor@aol.com

Danny & Doris Dructor - MAILING ADDRESS: 295 Somerset - Milam, TX 75959

ToledoBendLake.com Advertising, Web Design & Hosting