History of South Toledo Bend Waterworks...

In the summer of 1988 Mr. James C. Templeton, Mr. Bernard B. Miller, and Mr. Thomas M. Harless approached the Sabine Parish Police Jury and asked that the Police Jury form a water district for the south end of Sabine Parish. The Police Jury named the above three individuals to a steering committee and asked that public meetings be held in the south end of the parish to determine the need and acceptance of such a project. Vernon Meyer of Meyer and Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers did some preliminary study on the project and found the size of the area and the number of homes was feasible for USDA/FHA funding. Meetings were held at Toro fire station and at Lakeside Baptist Church with good turnout and good reception to the idea.

The area with viable population density and support of the project initiative was mapped out with the aid of engineers.

The steering committee reported to the Police Jury and on December 21, 1988 the Sabine Parish Police Jury passed a resolution creating the South Toledo Bend Waterworks District.

Board Member Successions

  • On January 18, 1989 the Sabine Parish Police Jury members: Butch Manasco, Marvin Powell, Carolyn Langton, Guffey Lynn Pattison, Gerald Procell, Jerry Bridges, Mary Beth Tarver, Sherman Tatum, and James Lites met and appointed the water works commission for the South Toledo Bend Water District. The board members appointed were -- James C. Blackwell -- Thomas M . Harless, secretary/treasurer -- Dr. Edwin C. Herpich -- Bernard B. Miller, vice-president -- James C. Templeton, president.
  • April 18, 1990 Mr. Argus Moore was appointed to replace Dr. Edwin Herpich who resigned.
  • March 20. 1991 Dr. Edwin Herpich was appointed to replace Mr. Miller who resigned
  • November 20, 1991 Mr. Olie E. Forshee was appointed to replace Dr. Edwin Herpich who resigned.
  • February19, 1992 Mr. George Griffin was appointed to replace Mr. Argus Moore who resigned to serve as police juror.
  • November 15, 1993 Mr. Donald E. Voth was appointed to replace Mr. Templeton after his death. April 19, 1995 Mr. Don B. Kelly was appointed to replace Mr. Blackwell after his death.
  • January 17, 2000 Mr. Argus Moore appointed to replace Mr. Donald Voth who resigned.
  • On August 18, 2007 four (4) board members -- Don Kelly, Tom Harless, George Griffin and Ollie Forshee resigned.
  • On August 22, 2007 the Sabine Parish Police Jury named: William "Buck" Menasco, Dianne Lampman, Robert “Bob” Marshall and Frances Walker to the board.
  • In December, 2007 Buddy Brandon resigned from the board and in January 2008, Rodney DeRouen was placed on the board to serve out the remainder of his term that expired January 17, 2010.
  • In December 2009, Jeff Webb was appointed to replace William "Buck" Menasco who resigned.
  • Frances Walker, Secretary/Treasurer passed away on August, 27, 2010.
  • Francine “Fran” Elliott was appointed by the Sabine Parish Police Jury on September 15, 2010 to serve out the term of Frances Walker.
  • Francine “Fran” Elliott resigned at the end of her term on Jan. 17, 2011 and the Sabine Parish Police Jury replaced her on Jan. 19, 2011 with Geri Alford.
  • Malcolm Franks was appointed on April 23, 2014 to replace Jeff Webb who resigned on April 8, 2014.
  • Dianne Lampman resigned on February 10, 2015 and Megan Quinn was named to the Board on February 17, 2015.

In 1992 the voters of the South Toledo Bend Water District voted on and passed the issuance of $550,000 in general obligation bonds, this show of community support was necessary to secure funding from the united states department of agriculture, farmers home administration.

February 7, 1994 the United States Department of Agriculture notified the South Toledo Bend Water District that funds had been obligated as of that date, for a grant in the sum of $2,798,500, and for a loan of $3,600,000 at an interest of 5.125 percent. General obligation bond funds in the amount of $550,000 and applicant contributions (membership fees) in the amount of $86,400 made up the total project cost of $7,034,900.00

Plans and bids for the project were completed but USDA funds were not received until June of 1996 at which time the construction was begun.

The construction was substantially complete in June of 1998 and water distribution began July 1, 1998.

In addition to the board members listed there have been many members of the community who have worked very diligently in support of this project and we acknowledge that the project would not have been possible without their efforts. We cannot name a few and leave others out so we will thank them all. We realize that their efforts were not for recognition but for the presence of “quality water on tap”.

Plant improvements of $1,465,000 were completed in 2010 and added an additional clarifier, 202,000 gallon storage tank, water intake repairs and numerous other improvements at the main plant facility.

Future expansions of automated meters and in the water mains throughout the system are planned in the near future.


President Board