South Toledo Bend Water District |
Water Rates 2019 |
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Passed by Resolution of Board 7-10-17 Effective with first bills mailed to customers January 2015: SOUTH TOLEDO BEND WATER DISTRICT EFFECTIVE: OCTOBER FIRST BILLING MAILED IN 2017 WATER SERVICE Base Rate: $ 30.00 For each 1000 Gallons: $ 6.00 Annual Plan/Camp Rate: Includes 12,000 Gallons: $444.00 NOTE: If you regularly use more than 30,000 gals during the annual period you no longer qualify for a camp rate. Louisiana State DHH Annual Usage Fee: $ 12.00 yearly and included in the Annual Camp Rate. COMMERCIAL WATER SERVICEBase Rate: $ 60.00 per month plus $ 7.00 per 1000 gallons MAGNOLIA WATERMAGNOLIA WATER UTILITY OPERATING COMPANY BULK WATER RATE (Passed at Board Meeting of November 12, 2019)$20.00 per 1000 gallons with prior authorization; $40.00 per 1000 gallons without prior authorization; $60.00 per 1000 if using second time without prior authorization. LATE PAYMENT FEE(Paying bill after due date) 10% of unpaid bill per month OR Minimum $ 5.00 Late Fee whichever is greater (Passed Board Mtg. 12-9-14) OTHER FEESTransfer Fee: $ 50.00 Move Water Meter $100.00 (within 20 feet) Meter Set: $850.00, Returned Check Fee: $25.00 or 5% face value of check amount, whichever is greater. Reconnect Fee: $50.00, Replace Water Meter $250.00 No Fault Fee: $ 25.00 Data Log Fee: $25.00 Electrostatic copies of records: $ 0.25 Passed at Board Meeting of December 11, 2017 with all Board Members approving.
Passed at Board Meeting of May 14, 2013 with all Board Members approving. Assurety Deposit: $150.00 A refundable deposit in the amount of $150.00 is required for new customers, transfers and reconnects (Passed Board Mtg 6-11-18). Deposit is non-interest bearing for as long as the deposit is held, and the deposit will be applied against final water bill. South Toledo Bend Water District is a Political Subdivision of Louisiana under the Sabine Parish Police Jury and Louisiana Revised Statues state: R.S. § 45:850 Meters and deposits: law inapplicable to public owned utilities. Nothing in R.S.§45:845 through §45:849 applies to water, gas or electric power plants owned by any municipality or political subdivision of Louisiana. Passed at Board Meeting of May 10, 2016 with all Board Members approving. RESIDENTIAL 3/4" METER = $ 850.00 COMMERCIAL 1" METER = $ 1250.00 COMMERCIAL 1.5" METER = $ 2000.00 COMMERCIAL 2" METER = $ 2400.00 ROAD BORE ADDITIONAL = ACTUAL COST > 3/4" or >50 ft. ROAD BORE = ACTUAL COST “South Toledo Bend is an Equal Opportunity Provider & Employer”“South Toledo Bend is an Equal Opportunity Provider & Employer” In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal of retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint deadlines vary by program or incident. Telephone: 318-586-9836 Email: Fax 318-586-3119 |
Effective February 1, 2013: South Toledo Bend Water District Copyright © 2009 by South Toledo Bend Water District - Photography of plant facilities by Sharon Miller |